Thursday, May 26, 2022

Human Pursuits

As a human being, all my pursuits in life are to become happy or gain happiness. As a kid, i played with toys and played games to become happy.i needed toys, play equipment to become happy. As i grew up, what i dreaded for earlier did not have any any value as "i thought" it no longer provided happiness to me. This habit of looking for happiness from the world in the relationships, family, profession, career, money, property, recognition etc continued.

Every human being wants to be happy and whatever he does, all his pursuits are to gain happiness. Nobody does anything to become unhappy.Some pursuits that a human being undertakes might have unhappiness as an immediate result, but the pursuit is done with the end in mind which makes the person happy. This mindset or pattern of thinking is common in majority of human beings. All the pursuits or under takings pursued by human beings irrespective of race, caste creed, nationality etc is only to be happy.

 As a living creature, all animals from the smallest bactriea to most intelligent human beings, want to live and procreate. So there is a natural tendency for eating food to survive and procreation ,hence he is programmed to think that his happiness lies in eating tasty food and intimacy with opposite sex. If we observe it closely, to me, it looks like, it is a game played by the nature to make sure that the species survives and procreates. On a side note, all business that is linked to these primary aspirations of the human beings thrive. All the businessess and industries are to address these two human yearnings. 

A person who looks at the world to be happy and is constantly working to satisfy his yearnings is called a Prakruta purusha. He could be highly educated and could be blessed with a bright intellect to gain multiple degrees, if he is constantly after worldly pursuits to become happy, he is not considered to be evolved.